These days, it feels like everyone and their mother has an opinion (or 2, or 3) about fashion.
What they like to wear, what they don't like to wear, but most importantly, what they think of your outfit.
Which can result in a lot of confusing, contradictory, & (sometimes) even insulting fashion advice.
Take fashion legend Coco Chanel for example. She said; “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.”
Seems reasonable, enough, right? Less can be more.
And I think it's fair to say that Coco knew what she was talking about.
Even today, her brand Chanel, is synonymous with elegance, simplicity, & timelessness.
But what if you find yourself looking in the mirror, and wanting to ADD an accessory? Is that okay? Would Coco approve?
Just ask legendary fashion designer, Betsy Johnson, who said, “As long as I look good, I'm very happy - and as long as I look consistently me.”
For Betsy, there’s no one fashion rule that she swears by, (although she does speak highly of a bold lip).
For her, fashion is about feeling good & staying authentic to who she is!
Which I think is something that we could all stand to embrace.
Too many of us spend our days feeling unconfident in our bodies, & insecure about our fashion choices.
Causing us to hide behind arbitrary rules about what we “should” or “shouldn’t” wear.
Fashion is about expressing our authentic personalities, which means there’s room for everyone at the table!
Whether you’re classic like Coco, punk-like Betsy, or somewhere in between!
As long as you’re true to yourself, you’re doing it right.
So here’s my challenge to you—
If you’re not living your true fashion personality, take a step out of your comfort zone today.
If you’ve been wearing traditional more modest clothing because it feels safer (& you’re not enjoying it), mix it up today!
This can be as simple as wearing a different color combination, a new bold accessory, or even just a new shade of lipstick.
If you’ve been hiding behind lots of layers of clothes, makeup, or accessories, (& still don’t feel confident), try doing the opposite! Show more of you.
At the end of the day, fashion isn’t about rules, or even famous designers.
It’s about the people who wear the clothing.
So don’t forget about YOU!